The PATH system variable can be set using System Utility in control panel on Windows, or in your shell's startup file on Linux and Solaris. Making changes to the system PATH variable is typically not necessary for computers running Windows or Mac OS X. Jul 01, 2019 Java keytool/keystore FAQ: Can you share some Java keytool and keystore command examples? As a little bit of background, in creating my 'Hyde (Hide Your Mac Desktop)' software application, I decided to venture into the world of commercial software, selling my app for a whopping 99 cents.
Oct 23, 2014 In this tutorial, we will show you three Java examples to construct a file path: File.separator or System.getProperty (“file.separator”) (Recommended) File file = new File (workingDir, filename); (Recommended) Create the file separator manually.
Installing the Java JDK
Needed for CSC 4240/4260
Begin your journey here. Go to theAdopt Open JDK Siteand do the following. The site automatically detects yourOS and offers the correct version.
- Under Choose a version, choose the latest version (as of 10/2020, it's 15).
- Under Choose a JVM, take the default (HotSpot).
- Hit the big blue button and download the JDK.
- Run the installer. Then do this in a command window. If you run linux, use
to see the version. This works on MacOSX and Windoze.
In either case, create this file using your text editor.
Navigate your cmd or termianl to the folder containing this file.Then (the $ below is your system prompt), type
to compile and
to run. You are ready to run and compile Java.
Installing the JavaFX JDK
Needed for CSC 4260
Go to Since you have Javainstalled, hit the green button that says, 'I have Javainstalled.'
At the top of this page you will see this.
Download an appropriate JavaFXRuntime or your operating system and unzip it to a desired location. Hit the link.
Scroll down the page to the section for version 15. Obtainthe SDK for your platform.
You will get a ZIP archive. Put this file in your home directoryand unzip it.
You will have a directory named javafx-sdk-15
Mac/UNIX Add these lines to your ~/.bash_profile
Save, quit and enter source ~/.bash_profile
at the commandline.
On a Windoze machine create a new environment variable namedPATH_TO_FX
File Path In Mac For Java Program
WindozeMake a directory named bin
in your home directory which isC:Usersyou
. In your home directory, create a directory named bin
. Then, go into your environment variables and add this directory to yourpath.
Usingyour text editor create the file javafxc.bat
with the following in it and save it in the directory bin.
Then create javafx.bat
with this in it, and save it in thebin
directory you just created.
Restart your PowerShell or cmd session.
Testing your JavaFX Install
Make this file in a text editor.
WindozeHere is how to compile the program
in a cmdor PowerShell window (note no .java extension needed) .
To run and compile, do the following.
To run, do this.
Mac/UNIXHere is how to compile the program
in a terminalwindow. Once you do this, enter
to update your terminal session. Then, to compile, do this.
To run, do this.
A window should pop up on your desktop.
- Optional 'thank-you' note:
I am having a hard time figuring this out. I have two applications running on different machines, one on Mac and another on Windows. They both access / create files from a common file path resource. Now, my Mac machine allows to create folders and file names containing special characters, while Windows does not.
The application where I am having the problem is running on Windows and it needs to read and delete the file created by Mac machine. So, the problem arises when the file path has special characters.
Some observations:
I create a folder named ABC_? which when I view from the Mac machine shows ABC_? as the folder name and when I view it from Windows machine, the folder name appears to be ABC_
I tried to make a FileInputStream object for a file inside the folder:
And trimming the special characters (as I viewed from Windows) had this response:
All I want is to obtain the stream of the image kept at that location from an application running on Windows.
- Optional 'thank-you' note:
- Optional 'thank-you' note:
Well, as I mentioned, when I try accessing the file with ABC_? folder name, I get the following exception: prod1cust1ABC_?myImage.jpg (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
which says the syntax is incorrect. But it happens to be the actual path for the file.
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- Optional 'thank-you' note:
The application is a simple Java Application, that runs always.
The user I am using, has access to the share. (The app can access a file / folder without any special character).
No, it is not a service. It is a Process.
I am working on fixing a bug where it fails to read only from the files which have incorrect syntax according to Windows.
If you would be kind enough to read the Exception detail I posted twice, it says, 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect' but that is the actual path for my file, just that I created it from Mac.
Makes sense?
- Optional 'thank-you' note:
[Asking smart questions] [About Bear] [Books by Bear]
- Optional 'thank-you' note: prod1cust1ABC_myImage.jpg (The system cannot find the path specified)
As you can see there are no special characters there. That's why I said that the issue of special characters was irrelevant.
File Path In Mac For Java Free
File Path In Mac For Java Interview
- Optional 'thank-you' note:
Bear: Thanks for reply. Reading the java docs (File class), I also have the opinion that characters which are allowed by the underlying platform can only be used for filenames. Probably that's why File class provides this method:
public boolean canRead()
Tests whether the application can read the file denoted by this abstract pathname.
Also, I tried Samba Jcifs API (jcifs.smb.SmbFile), as it handles the file system generically, Windows or Unix, but it also failed to read from a folder with special characters, strengthening my opinion.
Thanks all for your time.